Find out the myths about social media strategy and how to master it.


Find out the myths about social media strategy and how to master it.

It has many names, and everyone wants it! I'm talking about social media, which is also called SMO, SMM, social networking, and social media marketing. For businesses, social media has a lot of potential and value, but for people, it's just another way to talk to the rest of the world. Contact us for Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon.

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But instead of advertising or marketing a product or service, you talk to people on social media like you would with friends, coworkers, or strangers who share the same interests.

Don Tapscott, author of Grown Up Digital, calls them the "Net Generation." They used to be young people, but now the average age on Facebook is 35. LinkedIn has a lot of users between the ages of 35 and 54.

David Mercer, Head of BT Design, recently told me that the older generation can't help but take over the home turf of the Net Generation. Or at least something like that. Is it fair? I can see where he's coming from, but the fact that everyone uses phones doesn't seem to change how the younger generation sees who owns the mobile world.

Club Penguin, Disney's MMOG (Massively Multi-Player Online Game), is how my eight-year-old uses social media. By the time he is in business, social media will be as much a part of his life as email and cell phones, if they are still around.

Social media won't go away as long as Facebook has 400 million active accounts and more than 120 million unique visitors each month. But if you want to use social media for personal, business, or branding reasons, it's important to keep in mind what your goal is.

LinkedIn is more business-oriented, while Facebook is more social and does a better job of getting people interested. Twitter is a real-time source of news and information about everything from clubs and coffee shops to finance and biochemical research. So, each platform should be chosen based on how well it meets the goals. Contact us for Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon.

Also, keep in mind that other countries have big platforms as well. Orkut has more than 100 million users, and more than 70% of them are from Brazil and India. China's platform is called QQ, and it has more than 500 million users. In Russia, Vkontakte has more than 60 million users, so be careful about where you play.

Most of the big platforms have places for ads. Pay-per-click advertising is available on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and it can be used to reach a specific audience with surgical precision...or at least field surgery precision. Let's say I wanted businesses to hire me to run workshops for them.

I could put an ad on LinkedIn for Marketing Directors at UK companies with more than 250 employees, or I could choose a few niche industries like finance, retail, or manufacturing. If I do my ad right, I'll only get clicks from people who are likely to buy, and I only pay when they do.

A word of warning: We all put so much information about ourselves on social media that people can easily learn a lot about you and your business with just a little research. Taking care of your reputation has never been more important. Contact us for Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon.


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